As we are isolated in our homes for the next few weeks due to the COVID 19 pandemic I wonder what you are doing to stay physically and mentally healthy. I also wonder what are you eating?
Well, I have been eating none stop whether it be from boredom or simply stress eating. However, be aware that even healthy foods can have negative effects on the health of the enamel of your teeth. Drinking and eating certain foods can cause sensitive teeth which can be initial signs of erosion of enamel. The table below shows you the acidity of the foods and drinks that you may consume daily. The lower the number the more acidic the food is which can be damaging. The higher the number the less acidic and can be better for your teeth.
I encourage you all to eat healthy and exercise daily. Please don't forget to brush gently and floss regularly.
I look forward to hearing your feedback
Stay safe
Sharon Walden